Sorry Dude, the world is still here. More to the point, so is Harold Camping. And so am I, darn!
Jesus was really quite clear about this particular event, the one now known as the Rapture. Nobody knows when it will happen, I mean nobody, not even Jesus Himself - except for the Father only. How do I know this? Oh, here we go again. The Bible tells me so. The words of the Lord Jesus Himself as recorded in the gospel, state unequivocally what I just said. "Oh yeah," some people say, "and You are the only one who really understands the Scriptures, right? Or at least you understand them correctly and anyone who disagrees is just wrong."
Well, yes, if you have to put it that way. It isn't that tough, actually, to be honest about what the Bible says. Many times, the Bible is ambiguous abut things, and I think that is deliberate on the part of the Spirit. But not always. Many things are stated very simply. Some of those are the hardest to accept too. After all, if there's room for interpretation, then you can have your opinion about what it means. I'm all for that, the word of God is a very rich document, a many-faceted jewel into which we can see things from different perspectives. I have been wrong in my interpretation of the Scriptures, by the way. Fortunately for me, a brother or a sister in the Lord had the courage to engage me on it, and I managed to learn something. It happens ;^) So the thing is, if you accept the authority of the Scriptures, as I do, then if you come up with some idea you say is based on those Scriptures, then let's hear about it. Maybe I'll learn something - or maybe you will.
Once again, that is a good part of why I'm here in the Pub. So check out Matthew 24, or Mark 13. There are plenty of poetical phrases there, but it's clear Jesus is talking about the end, when he returns in power and glory as Messiah. But the day that will happen, and the hour - notice he particularly mentions the hour? - No man, no angel in heaven, not even the Son knows when it will be - only the Father. Only the Father.
Just as an afterthought, I wanted to mention how really lovely the Rapture might be for those of us who are here when it happens. It may be that it all happens in a "twinkling of an eye" to those left behind, but I imagine that for us who are waiting, we could be looking east and up and seeing Jesus in the air, being trailed by a cloud of changed believers. And as I stand and behold this great sight, and everything in me says, "Lord if you call me, I can come to you." My Lord looks me in the eye and says, "Come". And before I know it, I am there, changed forever and trailing after Him among a great cloud of worshipers. And so will we be ever with Him.