Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I was so angry with this google blog - but have figured something out

I spent all afternoon on my next post, and all afternoon, the editor told me it was automatically saving every word as I went along. I had to stop to go hear my granddaughter's piano recital, but no problem, right? It was all saved. WRONG!! It was all gone when I got back, some crap about a form error. I think now that what happened might be that it was indeed saved on the site, but when the browser came back up, only the very beginning was in the form it had saved, and I killed what was on the blog server when I tried to save at that point, blah blah blah.

Well, I have realized from this that I am trying too hard to write a complete composition for each entry. This is the new millennium and I should just lighten up and write what I can, and when I run out of steam or time, just save it and let you all read it. It goes against my sense of literary content and good composition, but losing a whole afternoon's work and having to reconstruct it when I had been rolling so well is WAY more annoying. So think of it as more opportunities to jump in and comment. It's the Sesame Street approach to essay writing

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