Most people know that Jesus was born of a virgin, and that he lived a life without sin. At least that is the claim, and I believe it. This is not an answer to skeptics who question whether a virgin could conceive by the Holy Spirit: the question is why did that get Jesus out from under original sin? He was still born of a woman after all. And ALL, men and women, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, including Mother Mary.
I believe that the answer lies in the difference between men and women, between Adam and Eve. See, it was Adam who was made out of the dust (heb. adamah) of the universe: he was made from the elements of the physical creation. The woman was made from a piece of the living Adam, not from adamah. And so, it was Adam's sin that brought sin into the world (Romans 5:12-14). The woman was beguiled - such a more accurate idea than merely 'deceived' - into eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam did it knowing full well that it was against God's command; he did it simply because Eve put it in front of him, typical guy; but they both received the knowledge of good and evil. When you look at God's reaction to this, you see that the consequences of her sin were visited upon Eve's body, but the consequences of Adam's sin were visited upon the whole world.
So it is that the generations of Adam, propagating out from him like a wave of smoke, inherit the knowledge of good and evil, which causes us all to go astray. Jesus avoided this inheritance by being conceived by God himself. He gained his authentic human nature from Mary his mother, and so was able to live a life, if only for 33 years, in loving fellowship with the Father as we were all originally designed to do.
If all he had wanted to do was set an example, he could have gone on living indefinitely, to the utter confusion of everyone around him; but there was much more to the plan, of course. He voluntarily gave up his life for us, a spotless sacrifice for sin that ultimately broke its power, and God raised Him from the dead a glorified new Adam. Now we too can choose to give up our lives, in a metaphorical way, surrendering our will to the Father by identifying with Jesus the Christ, ie the anointed sacrifice, and God will raise us up too, in Christ. Following Him out of love, we can receive the power to live life rejecting the knowledge of good and evil, abiding with the Father and the Son in the Spirit now and in the world to come.
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