I am lumping you all together because you have lumped yourselves together, supporting Donald Trump no matter how hypocritical it may be.
You claim to stand for small, limited government; but your own mean-spirited covetousness, your childish self-centeredness, your smug self-righteous sense of exceptionalism are exactly what drove others to expand the government's role in protecting people to include those socialistic features that you hate so much. Food assistance, open housing, affirmative action all came about from the distress you caused your fellow Americans.
You make sanctimonious noises about Christian Culture while denying Christ's command to love your neighbor as yourself when you said, "I got mine, and don't you try to take it away" instead of "Freely I have received and freely give." You lack the courage to give your neighbor a helping hand when he's down, if he doesn't look enough like you.
You think that if others are getting ahead, then you must be falling behind, a zero-sum game outlook on life, when God made it clear that you are to pray for the prosperity of Babylon, that when God blesses, everybody benefits. In your frightened desperation to maintain a dominance that you never should have had, you assume others share your appalling lack of compassion and want to dominate you as you did them.
Well, I have news for you: we don't want to replace you. We don't want any group to have the kind of patronizing smug superiority that you seem to think you're entitled to. What we want is, to coin a phrase, Liberty and Justice for All.
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